Friday, January 21, 2011

A healing on the streets

Just wanted to share this. A comment from a lady who participated in Night Strike last Friday night. Always love reading these stories.

I've served at Nighstrike over the last year with my church, Mt. View Community. I am always blessed when I serve and always walk away having received more than I gave. I've done a little of everything, cutting hair, dignity station, washing feet, praying. But last night was different.

I went to Bridgetown last night thinking I would serve food. I've not served food before and I like the social aspect of it. I also thought that since I'd had a really busy day at work and had not had much in the way of lunch and no dinner, I figured I could at least snag a cookie. But as always, I leave it up to the Lord to show me where he wanted me to be. So, as they were asking for volunteers to do a Walk About, the Lord tugged at my heart and I found myself raising my hand. I confess, this was not something I really wanted to do, a cold breezy night, my bad knee aching. But, if I've learned nothing in my 40 years as a servant of God, I've learned that when He leads, I'd best follow. So off I went.

As we prayed over several places (all the usual suspects) the Lord began a healing in me that I have been praying for over the last year. My personal challenge was nothing dramatic, but something the Lord had called me to work on a year ago. And it has been a bigger struggle than I had anticipated and in the giving up of something, I've spent a lot of time at the Lord's feet and yes, a lot of tears. I've been able to give up logically, but emotionally it has been a struggle. My own "addiction" I guess, but not drugs or alcohol or anything like that. But, never-the-less, something that was separating me from God. At each station, we prayed for whatever we were lead to pray for, but I began to feel the Lord working in my own heart. At first I wasn't quite sure what was going on, but then it became obvious to me that God was working on me as well as the City. At the last station, I was standing next to a young man from Sunnyside Foursquare, who I'd never met until last night. As we were praying, he laid his hand gently on my shoulder and began to quietly pray for me. So quietly that I couldn't really hear his words. But his words didn't matter. I knew I was receiving a gift of healing from God standing among the lost on a corner of Burnside and the Lord chose that time, place and person to complete His healing in me.

Here I was, having gone to minister to others in God's name and in the course of my service and servant's heart, He also healed me! What a wonderful Lord we serve!

I just wanted you to know that more than one healing took place last night. A healing for someone who is usually serving under the bridge, not needing to be healed under the bridge.

Chasing the Goose......