Hey Marshall, I got fired from my new Christian band for being a liberal! They let me go last week. The whole experience was pretty unbelievable, I'll tell you about it when I see you. Darn Obama sticker on my car.

What is wrong with us? A bumper sticker has separated people from doing something for God together. I am always amazed at what we let separate us. I remember talking to a older man one time and he had a friend from an opposite political party and their friendship ended over it. I always found that to be a pretty shallow thing. I am sure that there are "critical" issues but are we trying to say "this is how Jesus would vote if He were to vote."
I know that this friend of mine loves Jesus with all his heart. I know that he serves in his local church. I know if people actually sat down and talked with him they would find that he loves people. Besides he is a good guitar player as well. All of this blows me away.
When your world view is your political party you have a problem. We need to remember that political systems are created by man not God, which means that people could be wrong. Their view could be wrong, and of course it could be right. Should't we approach it that way? Shouldn't we be able to have a conversation rather than just making a "judgement" on someone because of a "bumper sticker?" Wow!! I wanna give these people the benefit of the doubt and hopefully there were other reasons they wanted him to leave the band.
I know - a rant, a rave...oh well. I told him that it was a band that he didn't want to be a part of anyway.